As you are expert at your business and give it all your focus, we at DFC are expert at the technologies that you use for your back-office. We’re here to help and to focus for you on your business technology needs. Our experience spans decades and involves tailored solutions from one enterprise to the next.

Your back-office is the "floor" that your business stands upon and we provide you the confidence and assurance that the vital parts of your business are in safe hands.

Our team of best-in-class project managers, consultants and technical support staff will work with you to deliver the dedicated services you need for your business to prosper.

You can outsource all your services to us, or we can act as an embedded extension to your existing IT team. The team at DFC experienced at helping businesses at every stage in their growth from startups, through small enterprises and on into major growth. Our future focused approach means we’re not just helping you with what’s happening right now, we’re actively planning for your future success.